Why 'blog'?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Bait and Switch

This is how it started:
Manthing: "Hey baby, they want me to mix the Sedona Jazz Festival. Wanna come?"

Me: (hang out in Sedona, drink wine, listen to jazz, for free? ) "Hell yes!"

This is what it turned into:

Manthing: "Um, baby, is it ok if *Zach comes with us? Mandy can't find a babysitter this weekend"
(Zach = eleven year old son of Manthing)

Me: ( like I really have the option of saying no...) "Ok."

What actually happened:

I was able to take in less that half a set of the festival (this was the total of TWO visits to the day-long festival)... one of the songs was a smoking version of Night in Tunesia mixed with Salt Peanuts that was punctuated with "Can we go now? Is your song done yet? Come ooooooon! Let's Goooooo! This is boring!" I didn't get any wine as I had to drive around crazy mountain paths with Spawn of Manthing in passenger seat. I took him to breakfast at the Airport Cafe, I took him to Slide Rock park, I took him for his first time fishing (where I helped him catch his first fish .... which I then prepared and cooked for him to taste and reject), I then took him to lunch at the Javelina Cafe, then hiking to the Boynton Canyon vortex (no I didn't feel anything.... try having a spiritual epiphany with an eleven-year-old boy who is busy throwing rocks off the peak ... much to the peril of the hikers below), then shopping for a swim suite, swimming at the hotel pool/spa. With a couple of attempts of enjoying the concert mangled horribly in between. I didn't even get to see the main act Earl Klugh.
I feel tricked, cheated and abused. And in a nod to Motherhussys blog .... I feel like breaking the 6th commandment.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Folded up on the couch
curled up alongside magazines, chips, laundry and beer bottles
cathode rays bounce off lifeless eyes

As yet unpacked suitcase
blocking the hall, drooling soiled pants, tank tops and shoes
my traveling nest

Showered this morning
effort now erased by pungent sweatpants, socks and Harley t-shirt
white trash uniform

Dishes in the sink
Mail to read and to send
invoices to fill
car to wash
shopping to do

Can't even whip up believable intent
I'm just too damn spent


I just want to apologize to everyone for leaving my blog paused for so long on such a vitriolic piece as the mechanic bit. I have been slammed with work and spending AAA Quality time with my family. I wouldn't want people to think I am just a bitter old toad. I should probably also apologize for my lame nursery rhyme. I am just a bit burnt out at the moment. So forgive me a bit of a brief lazy recouperation during which I will sip from the nourishing nectar of all of your hallowed sites.

Night finds the Nursery rhyme

Mary had a little lamb
She cooked it nice and slow
And seasoned it with oil and spice
Then paired it with Merlot

She placed it on a silver tray
The spicey juices pooled
The family bowed their heads to pray
While the dog just sat and drooled

Then Mary's husband carved it out
(He paired it with a beer)
He served the lambie all about
And tossed the dog an ear

But then the children saw the bow
Brown gravy-stained and greasy
And they all wailed "Oh no! Oh no!"
You've cooked up poor dear Leesie!