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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Double Standards

When you live with another person you find it necessary to make certain concessions. You each bend and give and compromise on what goes where (coffee cups, bottom shelf) , what doesn't go there (toilet paper does not go on top of the fridge...) , and what just goes (I don't care if you made it in highschool metals class...). You also deal with different standards of cleanliness/neatness. One way I chose to deal with this was to "give up" the master bathroom to Manthing and claim the guest bathroom as my own. I let Manthing run his bathroom his way until it borders on third world levels of sanitation crisis. Recently before beginning a "bathroom reclaimation" I surveyed the scene: hairballs on the floor and in the shower, several newspapers and magazines in various degrees of water damage, daubs of hardened toothpaste, hair product and shaving gel dotting the counter, the flattened and empty carcasses of several travel-sized tubes of toothpaste, no less than three empty toilet paper rolls... and the one full one resting on the back of the toilet instead of the holder, and the toilet... the toilet.... what was growing in the toilet?

Anyway, after taking in all that I called my Manthing in.
Me- "Baby, just a question."
Manthing - "Yes?" (bracing himself)
Me- "If you checked into a hotel and found the bathroom like this, what would you do?"
Manthing - (looking sheepish) "I would call down to the front desk and raise holy hell."
Me- "Ok."

Somebody explain it to me please. I don't get it.


At 3:47 PM, Blogger jez said...

ha! ha! I love Manthing stories.

P.S. I think my bathroom is close to the 3rd world country crisis.

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

My bathroom has mold growing in it, but I try as I might, I can't clean it away! What do I do???

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

One word baby... B L E A C H.... ahhhhh just the sound of it makes the world seem brighter!


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