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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mechanics, Morals and Manners

I am usually a very calm, rational, reasonable individual. In fact I can only think of two occasions where I have entirely lost my cool and went on "very nearly all-out" verbal assaults. Both of these incidents involved taking cars to mechanics.
The first one occurred years ago with my Mitsubishi Eclipse. I dropped it off at COURTESY Mitsubishi for a TUNE-UP. Kurt took me to pick the car up upon "completion". I had just flown in from San Francisco and was dressed appropriately for San Francisco in a longsleeve black turtleneck and black pants. I was told to wait "out front" for them to bring out my car. "Out front" translated to outside in the full sun and heat of a Las Vegas summer. After 20 minutes it still hadn't come out. Turns out the car wouldn't start. No big deal I thought.... I will just go inside and wait for the mechanics to figure it out. I decided to purchase a cold diet Coke as I was a bit withered from waiting outside in my heat absorbing ensemble. I didn't have change so I went to the cashier and requested change for my dollar bill. The cashier didn't have change. No big deal I thought, "I just want a diet Coke." I said. "We have no change in the drawer." "Ok.... well, I would like someone to get me a diet Coke then." I said and wandered back to the sofa sure that as THE CUSTOMER I would be granted my tiny request. After waiting another 15 minutes I asked another person there for a diet Coke. After a couple of minutes I began hearing distant murmers of "Hey, your customer wants a diet Coke...." "She's not my customer." "Hey, is she your customer? She wants a diet Coke." "She's not MY customer."
I snapped. I stood up in the middle of the waiting area and yelled at the dim-witted clump of employees that were mushing around about my meager request about 20 feet away from me. "HEY! I JUST BROUGHT MY CAR IN HERE FOR A TUNE UP ... A $400 TUNE UP... AND NOW IT DOESN'T RUN! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD GET FOR $800, BUT I KNOW I AM SOMEBODY'S CUSTOMER AND SOMEBODY HAD BETTER GET ME A FUCKING DIET COKE!"
I don't even remember how or where it came from, but I got my diet Coke.


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Porter said...

Great story. Losing your cool is like a high. If you hardly ever do it, then the few times you do do it are powerful and awe-inspiring indeed.

What was the second time?

P.S. I, about a week later, have just responded to a comment you made on my "Gentleman Jack" blog entry, in which response I offer you my praise and admiration.

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

I love you Michi!

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

I think I just lost your admiration.... I AM familiar with Will and Grace.... just forgot about it. Never liked it though.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

Suzy I wish I were there to verbally spank the guys who messed with my baby sis! :(

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Charisee310 said...

The second time was much much much worse... I made the office girls cry and was barely able to refrain from yelling at the guy behind the service counter...."... AND FOR GOD'S SAKE DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR EYEBROW! THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TWO! TWO! IT LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE A CATERPILLAR ON YOUR FOREHEAD!" I don't like to sully my legitimate debates with ad hominem comments.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Porter said...

Not liking Will and Grace is enough to keep my admiration.

[Michele is relieved]

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Moonery said...

I loathe Will and Grace. Such a sack of cheap comedic tricks it is.

At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Porter said...

Seconded! I enjoy all your posts.


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