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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Just in case...

If I lost my job, had no family or future, I know what I would do. I would live in the back hallways, kitchens and service corriders of a large hotel. Even better would be a mega hotel/casino in Las Vegas. The Riviera is perfect. It is pretty old and has many weird little hallways and rooms and storage areas that are never used. I have even found a hidden little room in the seldom-used mirrored window ballroom overlook. All you would need is a cheap polyester suit, white shirt and a name badge. Everyone would think you were one of the bazillion minions that cook, serve and clean the hotels. You would have access to all the leftover food for the taking.... fresh from the stainless steel Queen Mary carts. And after a party or event there is always a plentitude of wine and spirits left over.... whether it is still pristine from the bottle or pre-tasted and waiting in a goblet rimmed in lipstick.
That is my contingency plan in a nutshell.


At 3:56 PM, Blogger Moonery said...

Oooh, good idea! I'll keep that in mind for myself as well. Does that little room hold two?


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