Bait and Switch
This is how it started:
Manthing: "Hey baby, they want me to mix the Sedona Jazz Festival. Wanna come?"
Me: (hang out in Sedona, drink wine, listen to jazz, for free? ) "Hell yes!"
This is what it turned into:
Manthing: "Um, baby, is it ok if *Zach comes with us? Mandy can't find a babysitter this weekend"
(Zach = eleven year old son of Manthing)
Me: ( like I really have the option of saying no...) "Ok."
What actually happened:
I was able to take in less that half a set of the festival (this was the total of TWO visits to the day-long festival)... one of the songs was a smoking version of Night in Tunesia mixed with Salt Peanuts that was punctuated with "Can we go now? Is your song done yet? Come ooooooon! Let's Goooooo! This is boring!" I didn't get any wine as I had to drive around crazy mountain paths with Spawn of Manthing in passenger seat. I took him to breakfast at the Airport Cafe, I took him to Slide Rock park, I took him for his first time fishing (where I helped him catch his first fish .... which I then prepared and cooked for him to taste and reject), I then took him to lunch at the Javelina Cafe, then hiking to the Boynton Canyon vortex (no I didn't feel anything.... try having a spiritual epiphany with an eleven-year-old boy who is busy throwing rocks off the peak ... much to the peril of the hikers below), then shopping for a swim suite, swimming at the hotel pool/spa. With a couple of attempts of enjoying the concert mangled horribly in between. I didn't even get to see the main act Earl Klugh.
I feel tricked, cheated and abused. And in a nod to Motherhussys blog .... I feel like breaking the 6th commandment.