Why 'blog'?

Friday, March 17, 2006

And now on trite treats

Ok.... after the last heavy episode I feel I should balance with some tripe... I mean trite.
So question..... Does the iminent approach of a beach vacation in Maui make you gain weight? Or does the reality of the looming date just make you more aware that you are indeed fat?

And why does a draining day of shopping in a mall with your boyfriend... ok, FOR your boyfriend, suddenly drain away into absolute pink bliss with a mani-pedi and wine tastes and cheese?

Isn't a shallow existence closer to truth? If being honest is being rightous.... and shallow is brutally honest.... ?

The End of the World

Forget global warming, AIDs, avian bird flu... etc. The end of the world is going to come about through mysticism. Some nation's or race's fever-driven pace to appease the hazily outlined demands recorded in a long dead language on some crumbling bit of clay by some primitive and now anciently decayed prophet of some antediluvian creation that supposedly owns the patton, trademark, and marketing rights to the human spirit. They will march with wooden feet and wooden heads to vote against womens' rights to determine the purpose of their own bodies. They will strap explosives to themselves and detonate in the midst of some stranger's wedding. They will vilify the people who seek financial reimbursment for creating life-saving proceedures. They will in all situations try to erase the individual. Dissolve personal identity. Redirect individual motives to social motives. Personal gain is dirty when compared to universal gain. Creativity, talent, ability and growth are unfair gifts of nature and must be hobbled to ensure that everyone gets a fair shake. The only good world is a mediocre world. Praise be to god!!! But don't offend Allah!!! I know that bad people go to hell.... there are copious books and rant on what happens to you in hell. But where are the promises... (and not the vague *?!*@* about "eternal happiness or 70 virgins... yeah that will keep you busy for a weekend in eternity ....) about what you "win if you choose the right!"? Come on Vanna.... what do they actually GET if they make their god happy?