I declare Open Season for Pussymen!
What the hell is keeping these men in the gene pool?
Men who constantly practice deceit (Going Fishing with Dad = taking the wife & kids to Disnyland)
Men who have to invent conditions to garner attention / sympathy (I may have cancer/be dying...)
Men who can't handle any female who actually approaches them as an equal .... do I need to put down an example?
Men who live a constant double standard... (I can cheat, you can't. I can pursue my personal / professional interests, you can't... you CAN help me pursue mine though... I can call you, you can't call me. )
Men who live with their parents after age 25 (I decided to be VERY generous)
Men who live off their wife/girlfriend.
Men who live with more than 1 other guy after age 25 (again... VERY generous)
Men who don't know how to appreciate my sisters!
And now I am going to take my machete and find these men and make pussyman stew.