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Thursday, May 04, 2006

How intimate is too intimate?

There comes a point (usually a "woman's point") where you find yourself in a relationship where you are either seriously involved, living together or married. Often all three coincide... wink wink. All runs smooth until one day you run dead on into THE QUESTION: How intimate do you want to be with this person? Now I am not talking sex, children, sharing a tissue during the Afternoon Oxygen movie ... I am talking LAUNDRY! You are blythely sorting through the supposedly dirty clothes and happen upon a pair of HIS MAN PANTIES! Are they dirty? Are they clean? If we were to be honest.... in the case of OUR "suspect undies" we would perform a quick "sniff test".... but these are HIS PANTIES! How deeply do we want to be involved in our special person's reality? I stood and stared at the pair of black Calvin Kleins bunched in my hand.... paused... and then threw them into the DIRTY pile. I don't want that kind of intimacy.


At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want that kind of intimacy, but apparently it doesn't matter what I want. I end up sorting through all manner of "panties".

Little boy boxers...man undies with skids...sweaty jock straps.

Intimacy is totally overrated.

ps. I still CANNOT stand fart intimacy either. I never will.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

So Daryn left a t-shirt last visit. I was going to toss it in w/ my laundry and bring it back to him this weekend. BUT it smells like him, so I couldn't bare to wash it. And conveniantly, I "forgot it." Am I so pathetic? I think so. But I still wouldn't want to touch his undies. No sir.


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