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Monday, February 20, 2006

President's Day

So today is President's Day. Wow. That means.... the banks are closed, the museums are probably closed, the libraries are closed. School is closed (by the way dodged a bullet on that one..... yesterday we took my boyfriends two kids back to their mother so they would not miss school today... if we had known it was President's Day ..... WE WOULD STILL HAVE THEM HERE! Oh the horror!). Today makes me wish we had a really cool president.... not like our current one whom I used to like and respect but now does horrifying things like sell the security department of our major east coast sea ports to the running of the Arabs.... LIKE THEY WILL KEEP US SAFE! I wish we had a president like the president in Independence Day, or 24, or like Gina Davis portrays. Where are these kind of presidents? They don't exist do they... because anyone that intelligent and that sane WOULDN'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE POSITION! Arrrrgggghhh!


At 10:52 AM, Blogger jez said...

I couldn't agree more. What happened to really great men/women in the oval office. It's become such a sad thing lately - I used to "support" - but now my faith has been so crushed that I just want to fold my arms and turn my back on the whole thing...wish THAT would make it go away.

Here's to wishing for a really great president.

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, actually, the current President on 24 is somewhat of a pansie-assed puppet--so I don't know if that would be that great of a switch.

I wish Norman Schwartzkoff (sp?) would run for President. Or Jack Bauer.

I think the UAE would be a great place to visit, but coming from the port security industry I'm very much against the prospect of them "protecting" our ports. I'm so flabbergasted that this was even an option!!! It's insane.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Moonery said...

My faith is shaken as well! This decision has led me to doubt all others he's made, even ones I originally supported.
What a dummy.
And Charise is right about the current president on 24. What a weiner he is!
Jack Bauer for president!!!!
You know who else would make a great president?


Just kidding.
PS-It is great to see you blogging Michelle!


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